There is no cure, they never loved you and they never will
They might love what you do / did for them, but NEVER you!
You are in a continuos cycle of Love Bombing, Devaluation, Discard and Hoovering back to Love Bombing
You can choose between the PAIN of leaving the relation now or the PAIN of staying. There is no a NO PAIN route.
Is There a Solution for Narcissism?
In short, NO. Narcissism is deeply rooted in a personality disorder that prevents true self-awareness or accountability.
People with NPD rarely seek therapy, and even if they do, progress is limited. Therapy can sometimes help improve specific behaviors, but it requires years of consistent intervention. The core issues—lack of empathy, manipulation, and a need for control—remain largely unchanged.
For those in a relationship with a narcissist, the only viable solution is to end the relationship and enforce a strict no-contact rule. This prevents the narcissist from re-entering your life and pulling you back into the cycle of abuse.
Could You Have Done Anything to Change the Cycle?
The behavior of a narcissist is compulsive and driven by their own internal struggles. Nothing you did or could have done would have altered the pattern of the relationship or prevented the discard.
Narcissists live in a self-created fantasy where you are merely a character. They do not see you as a whole, autonomous person, but rather as a tool to serve their needs and validate their sense of self. The harsh truth is that they never truly loved you and never will.
Leaving the Relationship if your only chance of healing
It is extremely painful to leave somebody you deeply love, but you have to understand that your love is one sided, they never loved you and never will. If you stay they will continue manipulating you, using you, abusing you, cheating on you... And one day they will find a new object of desire ad leave you like you never existed. Here and Here are good videos with tips about how to leave a Narcissistic relationship.
Leaving will be one of the most difficult things you will do in your life
You might not know yet, but you are addicted to the Narcissist. Over time, he / she has conditioned and train you to depend on him/ her emotionally and has influenced the way you body rewards you. The moment you leave the narcissist you will feel the full force of the TRAUMA BONDING. Will be extraodinarily hard but I promise you it is worth. Please see this video and this to know more.
Final Thoughts
While it’s painful to accept, recognizing the reality of a relationship with a narcissist is the first step toward healing. You are not to be blamed for their behavior or the way the relationship unfolded.
Remember: between 6-10% of the population has some form of personality disorder. The best thing you can do for yourself is to focus on recovery, establish boundaries, and move forward toward a healthier and more fulfilling future. Breakup, get out of the addiction and live a healthy life!
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